Have You Wondered Where The Hell Have I Been?
So, around December time my colleagues at my place of work were looking into ideas to boost staff morale. I work on a very busy Neuro Rehabilitation ward in Cardiff.
They decided to do a virtual walk to the North Pole in a specific time period and were asking who would like to take part. Many members of the nursing staff didn't take part, but I thought of an idea that could help rack up the miles. Many other people were not just walking, they were running, jogging, swimming, basically anything to reach the North Pole to raise money for the Brain Injury Charity 'PROP' which is directly attached to the Neurosciences Unit I work on.
Due to complications with my left knee 3 yrs ago, I was unable to run, therefore I decided to compile a trance mix and DJ and Dance on the spot, my Fitbit would work out the steps accrued and I'd then convert that to miles every time I did the mix, which I did do 3 times.
Initially, I felt a little stiffness in my Right knee but after a few weeks this gave way to agonizing pain and i ended up limping everywhere.
I stayed at work for as long as I could but when I did get home I collapsed, the pain being intolerable.
It is now April in a few days and I've been off work for around 3 months.
I wear a permanent knee brace on my Right Knee and I have seen the GP twice, had 2 physio specialist video conferences, and multiple phone calls...I am currently waiting for an MRI on April 7th.
To add to this, my daughter went back to school after 3 months of homeschooling and within 3 days caught a cold and because my immune system is weak I have caught her cold which I am still battling!.
I have tried to still upload every now and then...but I hope to be back to full fitness and live broadcasts by the Summer at the latest.
