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Trance Euphoria 10 Years Of Killer Euphoria!


The actual date to be precise is July 26th 2015 and as much as he hates me reminding him its all my dads fault that i initally setup my station via,and i think i was amazed athow the whole process worked and wasn't bothered about paying for it....unfortunately that has deeply scarred my pocket over the years...but i'll get into that when the official anniversary arrives.Now as many of you are aware now the station has moved home to Radionomy however this home could be temporary if it doesn't reach the required Total Listening Hours.Believe it or not i've already broken that measure but as my daily graph dictates the listeners worldwide are not constant in that bracket...there are a few awesome positives though...through Radionomy as i've already mentioned in previous Blogs your station is classed as 'Basic' in the first 3 months...right so where am i?...i began broadcasting on April 6th through Belgium based Radionomy and remember they state you must have at least 12 hours a day of listeners worldwide tuning in to your's June 20th and July 6th is the cut off point...i am happy to announce according to Radionomy's Stats i'm averaging 58 hours a day from 104 countries across the world...not bad at all.I am very pleased but i know i've got a long way to go yet...i've got to get 130 hours in the bag by January 6th 2016 otherwise the station will be taken off the air and i won't be able to do a damn thing about it.I'm proud to announce the fourth and final mix in the 'Whatever's Happened To 135?!' series will be heading your way soon and in the 10th Anniversary month i will be compiling and mixing possibly my favourite DJ/Producer ever in a Brand New Legend Of Trance Mix....also as it is my anniversary year loads more 'Vault Of Trance' Mixes will be available to listen to on the station and will be available to buy via My Beatport Mixes Digital Download shop...and talking of digital downloads remember you can download every radio show episode on my New iTunes Podcast for FREE.Finally there has been some slight alterations on the website including a Brand New Page highlighting the radio schedule...hope you like it....finally again...whoever you are...wherever you are...thankyou for the continuing support...much love and respect.leigh.

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