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Hotter the Music!...Hotter The Station!!!


You really have to work hard for your radio station onthe Radionomy Server.Puts into perespective how straight forward Live365 was in comparison...but hard work is paying off...Radionomy still are backward in coming forward with AIR API info for Tunein which i'm a bit annoyed about but i'm working on that.For those who are interested AIR API basically means me being able to produce accurate album or track artwork when the track is playing.Thus far i haven't been able to get the approriate info from Radionomy so apologises to Tunein listeners.As i have been working very hard to upload accurate album artwork you can see this via their very own flash player...which actually is kinda up mixes....for me to produce my live mixes and indeed archive mixes i am having to go through a process which means you guys hear the mix but the tracks change with a smooth transition so you can see what track is is a bit of a process to go through but the results are pretty awesome...i hope you agree.....remember if you are a long serving listener of Trance Euphoria over the past decade and you want me to dig out an archive mix you loved and want it on the daily rotation let me know.New music is being added and i went back onto my recent purchases from Beatport to ensure the hottest trance is mixed with the classics....this is what makes my station i'll get the new tracks which you think are amazing but then straight after you'll hear a track from 2006 for ex...and if you are a trance may think ....ahhh man i haven't heard this in ages....which in essence is no different to mainstream station promises the worlds best trance Past,Present & Future....and i truly mean that.....However,please remember radionomy has strict rules and regulations and to keep this radio station on the air for a long time to come you must keep listening and tell you family and friends to listen as well.....Current Stats tell me...i've listeners from 50 Countries....and i need 130 TLH(Total Listening Hours) a day by January 2016....the station has been broadcasting for 10 years....lets make it another 10 and more.....Live Broadcast this Thursday with 'Live Stream Testing'....from 16:30 GMT & me Live in the Hot seat from 17:00 GMT-19:00 GMT....the show will be recorded in Digital and posted on Soundcloud and via the RSS feed be able to be downloaded via iTunes Podcasts!

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