Windows Media Guide Station,New Mix & More

Very busy couple of weeks for the radio station which has been added to a variety of directories and playlists...however after a laborious process to say the least Windows has accepted the radio station into their Official directory...i've been reliably informed that the station will appear this coming week.
More and more listeners from over 30 countries are beginning to tune in to the radio station and i hope alot more will still do so.
Remember everyone keep listening and tell your friends about the station too...although the station is FREE to broadcast and listen,due to Radionomy and their strict rules and regulations the station could just as quickly go off the air...even if trance legend Ferry Corsten favourited one of my tweets yesterday....By January 2016 i have to have 130 TLH(Total Listening Hours) Per Day...i'll admit i am a little worried whether i'll be able to make this figure despite the support and hours listened in when the station was on the Live365 Server...
However,on a lighter note i am chuffed to be able to say my mixes Earth Energy and first 2 volumes of Whatever's Happened To 135?! are on rotation and sound awesome...the mixes are organised to play with each track's original track artwork while the mix is playing and this appears to be working very well.Therefore i am working on putting as many of my Archive and newer mixes in the schedule each day to make the daily rotation totally awesome for the listener....apologises for the adverts....a neccessary evil i'm afraid...i hope it doesn't ruin the the pleasure of listening to the mix.
Finally today....i am honoured to be able to continue the Official Syndication of Steve Helstrip's Thrillseekers NightMusic Radio Show Episode 080 May Edition to air this Wednesday at 19:00 GMT.